Why should sleep be a family priority

Why Sleep Should Be your Family’s Priority

Key takeaways Sleep directly impacts a baby’s health, mental, and physical development. Children grow and develop better with adequate sleep. Make sleep a top priority as from the beginning and you will likely have a happier, self-assured, less demanding, and more sociable child. Benefiting from enough qualitative sleep is essential for the whole family. Well-rested babies allow…

Naptastrophe | My Book Review

“Lucy is an expert at staying awake.” She is a cute little bunny that repeatedly assures that she is not tired. Alone in her somber room during the daytime, she concludes that there has to be a mistake and fears of missing out on all the fun she could have instead of lying in bed. After her dad gets her out of the room, the two drive to the grocery store. By then, Lucy is running on pure adrenaline as her father has probably totally ignored her sleep cues. She suddenly goes through a candy-related meltdown in the checkout line. The whole scene escalates into a NAPTASTROPHE. Finally, she’s so tired at dinner she collapses in her mac and cheese.

Understanding postpartum depression | My exclusive interview with Dr. Shosh

Dr. Shoshana Bennett (a.k.a. Dr. Shosh) is a survivor of two life-threatening postpartum depressions. After experiencing these postpartum depressions, she emerged from her personal nightmare to become a leading national advocate and pioneer in women’s mental health, establishing Postpartum Assistance for Mothers, which offers education and emotional support for women experiencing postpartum depression and related disorders.